Dean Thompson – Go out and explore, try new things, never ever be afraid to fail
Am avut onoarea sa-l cunoastem pe Dean Thompson, noul Charge d’Affaires al Statelor Unite ale Americii in Romania si nu am putut sa nu-i filmam povestea. Este un om desosebit, cu un spirit de invingator, care a plecat de jos (bunicul lui a fost om de serviciu intr-un liceu american de provincie) si a reusit in viata prin mult efort si ambitie, un “true American”.
Urmareste-i povestea inspirationala, unde vei afla trecutul familiei sale si cum experientele parintilor sai l-au motivat sa ajunga si mai departe decat au reusit ei sau cum educatia a fost intotdeauna a parte foarte importanta in evolutia fiecarui membru din familie. Afla cum de la o pasiune a ajuns sa faca o cariera diplomatica, care este motto-ul lui in viata, cum reuseste sa motiveze oamenii pe care ii conduce si ce sfat da in special tinerilor din Romania.
“Buna ziua si Multumesc frumos pentru ocazie. Ma bucur sa vorbesc cu tine si pentru ca avem putin timp, voi vorbi in limba engleza.” Asa si-a inceput interviul Dean Thompson, in limba romana.
“My name is Dean Thompson. I’m the Charge d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Bucharest. I’ve been here, in Bucharest, for about 3 months now, I’ve been a US diplomat for almost 21 years. Frankly it’s one of the most exciting journeys I could’ve imagine of my life.
I’ve grew up not so far away outside Washington DC, my father was working in International Affairs, Private sector, with educational exchanges, my mother was a house wife, but then, as my sister and I grew older, become a entrepreneur. She started her own business. In the United States we’ve had an aging population, and more and more services required for the elders, so my mother started a business to help provide some of those services and eventually employed about 25 nurses and different care providers as she grew her business. So I was very fortuned I’ve grew up in a very nice home, with a nice family, which was very supporting of me and encourage me to do well in school, pursue my dreams.