Peter Byrnes @StartEvo – “Don’t listen to negative talk!”

Peter Byrnes @StartEvo – he is owner and co founder Lugh Studio Inc, Brooklyn New-York (branding agency).

“I was born in Manhattan, but I lived in rural world, in mountains in Pennsylvania.
I love foreign languages.
I studied overseas. I studied in Sweden (it’s a very human culture).
It’s very difficult when u never leave your environment to find out who is really you.
I went to Penn State, for Foreign Services International Politics.

After decades, I realized that my life is about communication.

Graphic design is about communication, about translation. I’m translating your message to other persons.

Localization brought by internet brings more authenticity. If you are authentic, people trust you, they follow you.

I’m a slow adapter of Internet.

I started from nothing. I love Olympic skaters on ice. They face a huge pressure, they fell on ice, they get up immediately and they skate again.

If you don’t have a goal, a vision, a belief, you’re going to have more of what you have.

When the crisis came, i decided to turn off the TV, 2 years ago.

The last thing i need to hear is how worse it’s going to get. I still hear it, i’m not an ignorant.

My trick is “Don’t listen negative talk”. Don’t complain. Move on.

Get offthe ice and start skating again!peter byrnes

Daniel Constantin @StartEvo – “Cine vrea poate sa reuseasca si in aceste vremuri :)”

Care e cheia succesului — mi-e greu sa o definesc. Pana la urma e un cumul de factori, specifici fiecarui om.
Cine isi doreste — trebuie sa stie ca se poate. Trebuie sa iti doresti foarte mult, ca sa iti indeplinesti macar jumatate.
Rampa mea de lansare a fost studentia. M-am implicat foarte mult. Conteaza foarte mult sa stii sa te uiti la trenul care trece pe langa tine si sa te sui in el.
Cineva in facultate m-a propus sef de an. Am intrat in liga studentilor. La sfarsitul anului 3 deja eram presedinte la liga studentilor, unde am facut o gramada de lucruri. Am cunoscut foarte multi oameni pozitivi. Dupa ce am terminam, oamenii cu care am lucrat in timpul facultatii, care au avut o experienta buna cu mine, m-au luat la ei. Primul meu job a fost la Ministerul Agriculturii.
Fiecare tanar trebuie sa aiba DETERMINARE, ca sa ajunga undeva. Sunt si cateva sacrificii, dar cred ca se pot combina lucrurile 🙂 Se poate si in aceasta perioada sa iti faci o cariera, sa ai satisfactii profesionale.
Cine vrea poate sa reuseasca si in aceste vremuri 🙂